7.1. Fixing errors in the calculations#

import psi4
import py3Dmol
import pandas as pd

import sys
from helpers import *
psi4.set_memory('2 GB')
  Threads set to 2 by Python driver.

  Memory set to   1.863 GiB by Python driver.

7.1.1. Allyl radical#

Exercise 1

Fix the error in the single-point wavefunction optimization for the allyl radical using the BLYP exchange-correlation functional.

allyl_radical = psi4.geometry("""
symmetry c1
1 2
 C     1.307894    -0.292412     0.050945
 C     0.000000     0.443183     0.200966
 C    -1.307894    -0.292412     0.050945
 H     2.171777     0.390984     0.102354
 H     1.440837    -1.062338     0.844942
 H     1.356754    -0.838161    -0.914887
 H     0.000000     1.488670     0.522326
 H    -2.171777     0.390984     0.102354
 H    -1.356754    -0.838161    -0.914887
 H    -1.440837    -1.062338     0.844942""")
c: [1.0]
fc: [1.0]
m: [2]
fm: [2]
ValidationError                           Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[3], line 1
----> 1 allyl_radical = psi4.geometry("""
      2 symmetry c1
      3 1 2
      4  C     1.307894    -0.292412     0.050945
      5  C     0.000000     0.443183     0.200966
      6  C    -1.307894    -0.292412     0.050945
      7  H     2.171777     0.390984     0.102354
      8  H     1.440837    -1.062338     0.844942
      9  H     1.356754    -0.838161    -0.914887
     10  H     0.000000     1.488670     0.522326
     11  H    -2.171777     0.390984     0.102354
     12  H    -1.356754    -0.838161    -0.914887
     13  H    -1.440837    -1.062338     0.844942""")

File /opt/CompChem/psi4conda-1.7/lib/python3.10/site-packages/psi4/driver/molutil.py:259, in geometry(geom, name)
    252 def geometry(geom: str, name: str = "default") -> core.Molecule:
    253     """Function to create a molecule object of name *name* from the
    254     geometry in string *geom*. Permitted for user use but deprecated
    255     in driver in favor of explicit molecule-passing. Comments within
    256     the string are filtered.
    258     """
--> 259     molrec = qcel.molparse.from_string(
    260         geom, enable_qm=True, missing_enabled_return_qm='minimal', enable_efp=True, missing_enabled_return_efp='none')
    262     molecule = core.Molecule.from_dict(molrec['qm'])
    263     if "geom" in molrec["qm"]:

File /opt/CompChem/psi4conda-1.7/lib/python3.10/site-packages/qcelemental/molparse/from_string.py:276, in from_string(molstr, dtype, name, fix_com, fix_orientation, fix_symmetry, return_processed, enable_qm, enable_efp, missing_enabled_return_qm, missing_enabled_return_efp, verbose)
    273     print(">>>\n")
    275 # << 4 >>  dict-->molspec
--> 276 molrec = from_input_arrays(
    277     speclabel=True,
    278     enable_qm=enable_qm,
    279     enable_efp=enable_efp,
    280     missing_enabled_return_qm=missing_enabled_return_qm,
    281     missing_enabled_return_efp=missing_enabled_return_efp,
    282     **molinit,
    283 )
    285 # replace from_arrays stamp with from_string stamp
    286 if "qm" in molrec and molrec["qm"]:

File /opt/CompChem/psi4conda-1.7/lib/python3.10/site-packages/qcelemental/molparse/from_arrays.py:97, in from_input_arrays(enable_qm, enable_efp, missing_enabled_return_qm, missing_enabled_return_efp, geom, elea, elez, elem, mass, real, elbl, name, units, input_units_to_au, fix_com, fix_orientation, fix_symmetry, fragment_separators, fragment_charges, fragment_multiplicities, molecular_charge, molecular_multiplicity, fragment_files, hint_types, geom_hints, geom_unsettled, variables, speclabel, tooclose, zero_ghost_fragments, nonphysical, mtol, copy, verbose)
     95 if enable_qm:
     96     dm = "qmvz" if geom_unsettled else "qm"
---> 97     processed = from_arrays(
     98         domain=dm,
     99         missing_enabled_return=missing_enabled_return_qm,
    100         geom=geom,
    101         elea=elea,
    102         elez=elez,
    103         elem=elem,
    104         mass=mass,
    105         real=real,
    106         elbl=elbl,
    107         name=name,
    108         units=units,
    109         input_units_to_au=input_units_to_au,
    110         fix_com=fix_com,
    111         fix_orientation=fix_orientation,
    112         fix_symmetry=fix_symmetry,
    113         fragment_separators=fragment_separators,
    114         fragment_charges=fragment_charges,
    115         fragment_multiplicities=fragment_multiplicities,
    116         molecular_charge=molecular_charge,
    117         molecular_multiplicity=molecular_multiplicity,
    118         geom_unsettled=geom_unsettled,
    119         variables=variables,
    120         # processing details
    121         speclabel=speclabel,
    122         tooclose=tooclose,
    123         zero_ghost_fragments=zero_ghost_fragments,
    124         nonphysical=nonphysical,
    125         mtol=mtol,
    126         copy=copy,
    127         verbose=1,
    128     )
    129     update_with_error(molinit, {"qm": processed})
    130     if molinit["qm"] == {}:

File /opt/CompChem/psi4conda-1.7/lib/python3.10/site-packages/qcelemental/molparse/from_arrays.py:380, in from_arrays(geom, elea, elez, elem, mass, real, elbl, name, units, input_units_to_au, fix_com, fix_orientation, fix_symmetry, fragment_separators, fragment_charges, fragment_multiplicities, molecular_charge, molecular_multiplicity, comment, provenance, connectivity, fragment_files, hint_types, geom_hints, geom_unsettled, variables, domain, missing_enabled_return, np_out, speclabel, tooclose, zero_ghost_fragments, nonphysical, mtol, copy, verbose)
    377 update_with_error(molinit, processed)
    379 Z_available = molinit["elez"] * molinit["real"] * 1.0
--> 380 processed = validate_and_fill_chgmult(
    381     zeff=Z_available,
    382     fragment_separators=molinit["fragment_separators"],
    383     molecular_charge=molecular_charge,
    384     fragment_charges=molinit["fragment_charges"],
    385     molecular_multiplicity=molecular_multiplicity,
    386     fragment_multiplicities=molinit["fragment_multiplicities"],
    387     zero_ghost_fragments=zero_ghost_fragments,
    388     verbose=verbose,
    389 )
    390 del molinit["fragment_charges"]  # sometimes safe update is too picky about overwriting v_a_f_fragments values
    391 del molinit["fragment_multiplicities"]

File /opt/CompChem/psi4conda-1.7/lib/python3.10/site-packages/qcelemental/molparse/chgmult.py:501, in validate_and_fill_chgmult(zeff, fragment_separators, molecular_charge, fragment_charges, molecular_multiplicity, fragment_multiplicities, zero_ghost_fragments, verbose)
    495     return fcgmp.format(final) if final == start else fcgmp.format("(" + str(int(final)) + ")")
    497 # TODO could winnow down the exact_* lists a bit by ruling out
    498 #      independent values. do this if many-frag molecular systems take too
    499 #      long in the itertools.product
--> 501 c_final, fc_final, m_final, fm_final = reconcile(cgmp_exact_c, cgmp_exact_fc, cgmp_exact_m, cgmp_exact_fm)
    503 c_text = stringify(molecular_charge, c_final)
    504 fc_text = ", ".join((stringify(fs, ff) for fs, ff in zip(fragment_charges, fc_final)))

File /opt/CompChem/psi4conda-1.7/lib/python3.10/site-packages/qcelemental/molparse/chgmult.py:491, in validate_and_fill_chgmult.<locals>.reconcile(exact_c, exact_fc, exact_m, exact_fm)
    489 if verbose > -1:
    490     print("\n\n" + "\n".join(text))
--> 491 raise ValidationError(err)

ValidationError: Inconsistent or unspecified chg/mult: sys chg: None, frag chg: [1.0], sys mult: None, frag mult: [2]
psi4.core.set_output_file('allyl_radical.log', False)
psi4.energy('blyp/3-21G', molecule=allyl_radical)

7.1.2. Copper Water complex#

Exercise 2

Fix the error in the single-point wavefunction optimisation of the \(Cu[H_{2}O]^{2+}\) aqua complex (as observed in the gas phase) using the PBE exchange-correlation functional.

cu_h2o_2plus = psi4.geometry("""
2 2
 Cu        0.009000        0.015000        0.004000
 O         0.043000        1.451000       -0.430000
 H         0.050000        1.450000       -1.397000
 H        -0.798000        1.844000       -0.158000

You appear to be running in JupyterLab (or JavaScript failed to load for some other reason). You need to install the 3dmol extension:
jupyter labextension install jupyterlab_3dmol

psi4.core.set_output_file('copper_water.log', False)
psi4.energy('pbe/3-21G', molecule=cu_h2o_2plus)
RuntimeError                              Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[15], line 3
      1 psi4.core.set_output_file('copper_water.log', False)
      2 psi4.set_options({'reference':'uks'})
----> 3 psi4.energy('pbe/3-21G', molecule=cu_h2o_2plus)

File /opt/CompChem/psi4conda-1.7/lib/python3.10/site-packages/psi4/driver/driver.py:526, in energy(name, **kwargs)
    524 logger.info(f"Compute energy(): method={lowername}, basis={core.get_global_option('BASIS').lower()}, molecule={molecule.name()}, nre={'w/EFP' if hasattr(molecule, 'EFP') else molecule.nuclear_repulsion_energy()}")
    525 logger.debug("w/EFP" if hasattr(molecule, "EFP") else pp.pformat(molecule.to_dict()))
--> 526 wfn = procedures['energy'][lowername](lowername, molecule=molecule, **kwargs)
    527 logger.info(f"Return energy(): {core.variable('CURRENT ENERGY')}")
    529 for postcallback in hooks['energy']['post']:

File /opt/CompChem/psi4conda-1.7/lib/python3.10/site-packages/psi4/driver/procrouting/proc.py:2571, in run_scf(name, **kwargs)
   2568 if not core.has_global_option_changed('SCF_TYPE'):
   2569     core.set_global_option('SCF_TYPE', 'DF')
-> 2571 scf_wfn = scf_helper(name, post_scf=False, **kwargs)
   2572 returnvalue = scf_wfn.energy()
   2574 ssuper = scf_wfn.functional()

File /opt/CompChem/psi4conda-1.7/lib/python3.10/site-packages/psi4/driver/procrouting/proc.py:1767, in scf_helper(name, post_scf, **kwargs)
   1764     core.print_out("\n         ---------------------------------------------------------\n")
   1765     core.print_out("         " + banner.center(58))
-> 1767 scf_wfn = scf_wavefunction_factory(name, base_wfn, core.get_option('SCF', 'REFERENCE'), **kwargs)
   1769 # The wfn from_file routine adds the npy suffix if needed, but we add it here so that
   1770 # we can use os.path.isfile to query whether the file exists before attempting to read
   1771 read_filename = scf_wfn.get_scratch_filename(180) + '.npy'

File /opt/CompChem/psi4conda-1.7/lib/python3.10/site-packages/psi4/driver/procrouting/proc.py:1435, in scf_wavefunction_factory(name, ref_wfn, reference, **kwargs)
   1433 core.prepare_options_for_module("SCF")
   1434 if reference in ["RHF", "RKS"]:
-> 1435     wfn = core.RHF(ref_wfn, superfunc)
   1436 elif reference == "ROHF":
   1437     wfn = core.ROHF(ref_wfn, superfunc)

Fatal Error: RHF: RHF reference is only for singlets.
Error occurred in file: /scratch/psilocaluser/conda-builds/psi4-multiout_1670993662927/work/psi4/src/psi4/libscf_solver/rhf.cc on line: 92
The most recent 5 function calls were:

7.1.3. N2 Geometry optimization#

Exercise 3

Fix the error in the geometry optimisation of \(N_2\) using the BP86 exchange-correlation functional.

n2 = psi4.geometry("""
0 1
N 0.000 0.000 0.000
N 0.000 0.000 1.098
psi4.core.set_output_file('n2_opt.log', False)
psi4.energy('BP86/6-31+G*', molecule=n2)

7.1.4. \(^3 O\) Single point optimization#

Exercise 4

Fix the error in the single point calculation of \(^3 O\) using the B97-2 exchange-correlation functional.

o = psi4.geometry("""
0 3
O 0.0 0.0 0.0
psi4.core.set_output_file('o3_singlept.log', False)
psi4.energy('b97-2/6-31+G*', molecule=o)
RuntimeError                              Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[11], line 2
      1 psi4.core.set_output_file('o3_singlept.log', False)
----> 2 psi4.energy('b97-2/6-31+G*', molecule=o)

File /opt/CompChem/psi4conda-1.7/lib/python3.10/site-packages/psi4/driver/driver.py:526, in energy(name, **kwargs)
    524 logger.info(f"Compute energy(): method={lowername}, basis={core.get_global_option('BASIS').lower()}, molecule={molecule.name()}, nre={'w/EFP' if hasattr(molecule, 'EFP') else molecule.nuclear_repulsion_energy()}")
    525 logger.debug("w/EFP" if hasattr(molecule, "EFP") else pp.pformat(molecule.to_dict()))
--> 526 wfn = procedures['energy'][lowername](lowername, molecule=molecule, **kwargs)
    527 logger.info(f"Return energy(): {core.variable('CURRENT ENERGY')}")
    529 for postcallback in hooks['energy']['post']:

File /opt/CompChem/psi4conda-1.7/lib/python3.10/site-packages/psi4/driver/procrouting/proc.py:2571, in run_scf(name, **kwargs)
   2568 if not core.has_global_option_changed('SCF_TYPE'):
   2569     core.set_global_option('SCF_TYPE', 'DF')
-> 2571 scf_wfn = scf_helper(name, post_scf=False, **kwargs)
   2572 returnvalue = scf_wfn.energy()
   2574 ssuper = scf_wfn.functional()

File /opt/CompChem/psi4conda-1.7/lib/python3.10/site-packages/psi4/driver/procrouting/proc.py:1767, in scf_helper(name, post_scf, **kwargs)
   1764     core.print_out("\n         ---------------------------------------------------------\n")
   1765     core.print_out("         " + banner.center(58))
-> 1767 scf_wfn = scf_wavefunction_factory(name, base_wfn, core.get_option('SCF', 'REFERENCE'), **kwargs)
   1769 # The wfn from_file routine adds the npy suffix if needed, but we add it here so that
   1770 # we can use os.path.isfile to query whether the file exists before attempting to read
   1771 read_filename = scf_wfn.get_scratch_filename(180) + '.npy'

File /opt/CompChem/psi4conda-1.7/lib/python3.10/site-packages/psi4/driver/procrouting/proc.py:1435, in scf_wavefunction_factory(name, ref_wfn, reference, **kwargs)
   1433 core.prepare_options_for_module("SCF")
   1434 if reference in ["RHF", "RKS"]:
-> 1435     wfn = core.RHF(ref_wfn, superfunc)
   1436 elif reference == "ROHF":
   1437     wfn = core.ROHF(ref_wfn, superfunc)

Fatal Error: RHF: RHF reference is only for singlets.
Error occurred in file: /scratch/psilocaluser/conda-builds/psi4-multiout_1670993662927/work/psi4/src/psi4/libscf_solver/rhf.cc on line: 92
The most recent 5 function calls were: