4.1. Theory#
4.1.1. The Ergodic Hypothesis in Statistical Mechanics#
The question whether some properties obtained by averaging over a thermodynamical ensemble (the ensemble average) are equal to a time average of said properties - i.e. whether a system is ergodic or not - poses one of the fundamental problems of statistical mechanics. Unfortunately, there exists no complete proof of an ergodic theorem applied to thermodynamic ensembles. However, it can be shown that, if the only constants of motion of the system are constant functions over phase space (i.e. constants independent of coordinates and momenta), then the ensemble and time averages are identical for \(t \rightarrow \infty\). Since a more general ergodic theorem has not been proven yet, a system is usually considered ergodic as long as all regions of phase space are accessible during the time \(t\) for which the system is sampled. In practice, the ergodic hypothesis,
is thus assumed - but not guaranteed - to hold.
4.1.2. Sampling Phase Space using Molecular Dynamics#
Under the ergodic hypothesis, a direct sampling of phase space configurations can be replaced by a sampling of the dynamic evolution of the system for long enough times \(t\). For an \(NVT\) ensemble, an observable of a state \(s\) will then be explored with a probability corresponding to its Boltzmann weight, and for a sufficiently long \(t\) - i.e. for a sufficiently high occurence of all events to be representative - the time-average over the \(O(s)\) will reproduce the ensemble average. The longer the simulation time \(t\) is chosen, the better the convergence of the time average towards the ensemble average (it is evident that too short \(t\) do not lead to a converged dynamics, i.e. phase space is not properly sampled).
In this spirit, a (suitable) starting conformer of a system can be propagated in time according to Hamilton’s equations of motions:
This time-evolution is completely general. If the system is represented by a set of classical point particles, the Newtonian formulation of classical mechanics can be applied to the problem, and the particles can be propagated by evaluating the force acting on them:
For small time steps \(\Delta t = \tau\), the particles are accelerated according to \(a\) which is determined from \(\frac{\nabla_I E}{m_I}\) at \(t=0\). At time \(t=\tau\), the forces and the acceleration are re-evaluated, and the system is moved according to the updated forces that act on it. These forces may be obtained from quantum mechanical calculations (first principles dynamics, cf. the discussion of the Hellmann-Feynman theorem) or from a parametrised form for \(E(\mathbf{r})\) (classical dynamics, which will be discussed in detail in the following lecture). Since the evolution of the system is well-defined at every point based on the forces acting on it, its dynamics will be deterministic. Given an initial set of positions and momenta, every point ever visited by the system at time \(t\) is pre-determined. Applying this approach to molecular systems results in either classical or first-principles molecular dynamics (MD).
4.1.3. Time Evolution#
Given the potential for atomic interaction in section Section 5.1.4, the force acting upon the \(i\)th atom is determined by the gradient with respect to atomic displacements:
Using Newton’s equations of motion one can then achieve propagation of atomic positions in time, using some time step \(\Delta t\): The Position-Verlet Algorithm#
The potential energy \(U \left( \mathbf{r_1}, \dots, \mathbf{r_N} \right)\) is a function of the positions (3N) of all atoms in the system. Due to the complicated nature of this function and the large number of atoms typically modeled in classical systems, there is no analytical solution to the equations of motion, and hence these must be solved numerically. The most common numerical solutions to integrating the equations of motion are called finite difference methods. First, the positions, velocities and accelerations can be approximated by a Taylor series expansion:
where \(\dots\) denotes higher order derivatives of \(\mathbf{r}(t)\). One can then propagate the position function forwards and backwards in time, yielding:
and by summing these the position-Verlet is obtained:
while the subtraction of the Taylor series for \(\mathbf{r}(t + \Delta t)\) and \(\mathbf{r}(t - \Delta t)\) yields: The Velocity-Verlet Algorithm#
The position-Verlet algorithm uses positions and accelerations at time \(t\), and the positions from time \(t- \Delta t\) to calculate new positions at time \(t+\Delta t\). The position-Verlet algorithm does not use velocities explicitly, and as such it is straightforward to implement and requires minimal storage space. However, this form of the Verlet algorithm is not self-starting, i.e it requires two time steps before propagation can take place, and as such is heavily dependent on initial starting conditions. A modification to the above is the velocity-Verlet:
which is self-starting and additionally minimises round-off errors.
4.1.4. Structural Properties from MD# Periodic Boundary Conditions#
Simulating for long times \(t\) ensures that the ensemble average can be approached, however, it is impossible to sample in the limit of the ergodic theorem \(t\to\infty\). Additionally, for bulk-property calculation it is necessary to use a sufficiently large number of molecules to ensure that regions of phase space are sampled representatively, such that one may be confident that the ensemble average is properly reconstructed from the time average. In practice there is a relatively small and finite number of molecules for which simulation is computationally feasible, hence, compared to a macroscopic system (\(\sum N_A\) molecules), the ratio of molecules near the surface of the simulation box is often too large to be representative. Computational modelling of molecular systems could therefore have an artificially imposed doping of surface effects which negatively impacts the calcuation of any bulk property of interest. To remedy this, surface effects can be disposed of for all system sizes if periodic boundary conditions (PBC) are imposed. In this regime, the simulation box is replicated through space to form an infinite lattice. When a molecule moves during simulation its periodic images move with the exact same displacement, thus, if a molecule leaves the central box, one of its images will enter through the opposite face. This is illustrated in Figure Fig. 4.1 there are no walls at the boundary of the central box and the system has no surface.
Fig. 4.1 Simulation box and its periodic images. When a molecule leaves the central box, it is wrapped around to the opposite side. CC by SA Grimlock#
It is not necessary to store the coordinates of all images in a simulation (this would require infinite space). When a molecule leaves the box by crossing a boundary, attention may be switched to the identical molecule entering from the opposite side (see Exercise).