1.4. Appendix: Random and Pseudo-random Numbers#
Monte Carlo methods require a source of randomness. It is desirable that these random numbers are delivered as a stream of independent \(U[0,1]\) random variables. It is a necessity to generate random numbers uniformly, such that bias is not introduced into any physical property we wish to predict or estimate. There are two options for generating random numbers: using a physical or pseudo-random number generator. It would be satisfying to generate random numbers from a process that, according to a well established understanding of physics, is truly random. From this, our mathematical model would then match our computational method. Devices have been built that generate random numbers from physical processes such as radioactive particle emission, that are thought to be truly random. Unfortunately, physical random number generators are awkward to use in practice: simulations cannot be rerun so generated numbers have to be non-compressively stored, and random numbers cannot be supplied particularly fast. In contrast, a pseudo-random number generator (PRNG) uses simple recursions and modular arithmetic and thus are much faster. The pseudo term refers to the fact that it is possible to observe the sequence produced by the PRNG, infer the inner state and then predict future values. Pseudo-random number sequences are not truly random, however they can still pass the necessary tests for randomness. For some applications such as cryptography it is necessary to have pseudo-random number generators for which prediction is computationally infeasible, but Monte Carlo sampling does not require this caveat.
Designing pseudo-random number generators is outside the scope of this course, however, some basic examples are discussed below for your interest. A well-known example of a PRNG is the multiple recursive congruential generator (MRG):
where \(k \ge 1\) and \(a_k \neq 0\). Another PRNG worthy of note is the lagged Fibonacci generator (LFG) which takes the form:
with carefully chosen \(r\), \(s\) and \(M\). The LFG is a special case because it is rather fast. Interestingly, the optimal ratios of \(i-r\) and \(i-s\) have been found to closely match the golden ratio.
There are a number of very good and thoroughly tested generators. Among these high-quality generators, the Mersenne twister algorithm (MT19937) of Matsumoto and Mishimura (1998) has become the most prominent. Sometimes, however, very bad number generators are embedded in general or specific purpose software. L’Ecuyer and Simard (2007) published very extensive results that found many operating systems, programming languages and computing environments to have random number generators that failed many tests of randomness. To conclude, it is best to check documentation to be sure that your environment or programming language of choice implements a suitable PRNG by default.